This scholarship may be sponsored thanks to the generosity of donors. You might need to send a thank-you note if that’s the case.
Scholarship Sponsor
Ruth Leverton
Ruth Mandeville Leverton enrolled at the University of Nebraska and graduated with a degree in home economics in 1928. She worked as a teacher for two years in a tiny Nebraskan town before relocating to Tucson to enroll in the University of Arizona to pursue a nutrition degree. She received her master’s degree there in 1932. She then proceeded to the University of Chicago, where she earned a PhD in 1937. Her PhD dissertation concentrated on the demand for iron in females.
Leverton attended the University of Nebraska for 17 years. In 1957, she started working for the American Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition Research Division. Leverton had positions at the USDA that required a growing amount of responsibility. She enjoyed a successful career and received numerous accolades, including a Fulbright that sent her to the Philippines. She traveled to Europe, Asia, and Africa on behalf of UNESCO and the FAO to promote a healthy diet.
Ruth Leverton passed away in 1982. In 1976, the name of the Food and Nutrition Building was changed to honor her.
About The Scholarship
The Ruth Leverton Scholarship will provide $13,000 annually toward undergraduate nonresident tuition at UNL for up to four years in a row, or until the winner has obtained a bachelor’s degree, whichever comes first.
The recipients must still be outside of Nebraska. The Ruth Leverton Scholarship will be forfeited without prior notice by anyone who gains residency with the intention of paying in-state tuition rates.
Apply also; The Rare Diseases Scholarship Program
Application Process
- To complete the requirements for a degree in eight semesters, a student needs to earn an average of 15 credits every semester. Beneficiaries must attend full-time (at least 12 UNL credits) in both the fall and spring semesters of the academic year in order to qualify for the scholarship. These hours shall be duly registered on or before the sixth day of each semester.
- Attendance in summer courses is not mandatory for renewal because this scholarship cannot be used during the summer.
- Recipients must successfully complete 24 UNL credits each academic year (fall and spring semesters). Successful completion is determined by the total amount of UNL credits acquired with grades of A through D- or Pass (P). I, N, W, F, and NR are not recognized as grades earned successfully. Courses taken more than once will only count once, and enrollment in subsequent semesters is required (i.e., full-time by sixth day of classes each semester).
- Recipients must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.000, as assessed at the end of each spring semester, and must continue to make satisfactory academic progress toward a degree. The university uses the closest three decimal places when rounding grade point averages.
- The scholarship will be revoked if the student drops out of school or doesn’t attend for two consecutive semesters of the academic year unless an exemption is allowed due to extreme circumstances. If you completely withdraw or decrease your enrollment below full-time during the return period, the scholarship will be reduced to the nonresident share of tuition.
- While incentives from your college or department may be coupled with most academic scholarships provided across the institution, they cannot. This award cannot be paired with any advantages from tuition reciprocity agreements with other states or from any other federal, state, or university programs where the benefit is the payment of nonresident tuition (in full or part).
- . The scholarship is not available for non-credit or correspondence courses that are not time-specific.
This scholarship can be utilized to obtain UNL course credit for programs including international experience (if non-resident UNL tuition is charged). The transferrable course credit from another university cannot be applied to this award.
Application Link
Interested persons can now apply here