The Falcon Foundation
The Air Force Academy supports the goals of The Falcon Foundation, the programs developed to achieve those goals, and the senior leadership that oversaw the initiatives from 1957 to 2002 are the focus of this account of The Falcon Foundation. The hundreds of people who served as Active Members, Honorary Members, Board of Directors members (later Trustees), and Senior Members of the Board contributed to the accomplishments in addition to the leadership. Due to the extensive amount of detail required, the substantial accomplishments of the numerous committees under the strong leadership of their chairs are not covered. The Board approved the majority of these actions, which are detailed in this manner. Only with the help of senior officers serving in the U.S. Air Force on active duty was the entire initiative effective.
People who had previously served in the Air Service of the Signal Corps, the Army Air Corps, the Army Air Forces, and finally the U.S. Air Force successfully led and vigorously supported the program throughout the early years of the Falcon Foundation. Many of these people gave their lives in service to their country throughout World War I, World War II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, as well as numerous other military operations that our nation engaged in during these years. Later in this period, the U.S. Air Force Academy graduates who had previously served in the U.S. Air Force began to provide new leadership and steadfast support. Although each of these people has a wide range of expertise, their commitment to serving our nation and their strong support for the U.S. Air Force and the Air Force Academy is at the forefront of their minds.
This account follows the minutes of the Active Members meetings, the Executive Committee meetings, and most significantly, the Board of Directors semi-annual sessions (later Trustees). The Foundation’s daily operations were initially managed by a three-person Executive Committee, whose actions and decisions were confirmed at subsequent Board meetings. Thankfully, the minutes are thorough and the acts are properly documented. This information has been supplemented with data from conversations and interviews with people who have firsthand knowledge.
This tale does not include the numerous repetitious tasks that were necessary to manage this incredibly successful program throughout the years. Simply put, there is just too much data. This tale focuses on the substantial adjustments, the program’s development through time, and the senior executives’ decision-making process.
About The Scholarship
Public donations and a scholarship endowment provide the Falcon Foundation with the money needed to carry out the scholarship program. The USAFA Admissions Office determines the number of scholarships offered each year, which is up to 100. The Foundation is tax-exempt and the donor’s contributions and donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible for the donor. Each award is named in honor of an aviation pioneer or a person who has made a significant contribution to aviation or the military.
Scholarship Type
The Falcon Foundation annually awards scholarships in the form of financial grants to numerous schools across the country. Each scholarship gives funding for a portion of the cost of tuition, housing, and board. Scholarship recipients are required to cover their respective amount of tuition, fees, and books in addition to their proportionate share of clothing, laundry, other personal expenditures, and transportation to and from school.
Scholarship Descriptions
By initially submitting an application to USAFA, young people are instantly qualified for a Falcon Scholarship. The USAFA Office of Admissions then selects potential Falcon Foundation scholarship recipients from a pool of direct entry candidates who are qualified but not competitive for admission to the upcoming USAFA class. Rank-ordered applicants who are deemed qualified but uncompetitive are approached about the possibility of receiving a Falcon Foundation Scholarship.
Prep School Year Appointments
After successfully completing their preparation program and meeting the admissions requirements, Falcon Scholars who the Admissions Office determines have the ability to succeed at USAFA will be given consideration for appointment. The Air Force Academy is committed to selecting Falcon Scholars, barring extenuating circumstances, who:
1. Complete their training program successfully
2. Keep fulfilling the admissions requirements
3. Obtain a nomination that is valid for the USAFA entry year.
During their preparatory year, Falcon Scholars will be required to adhere to the same admissions requirements as the rest of the Academy candidates, which includes securing a fresh nomination for the USAFA entry year.
Application Link
Interested persons can now apply here https://www.falconfoundation.org/Scholarships