Dutch nationals don’t need to go through the difficult visa application process in order to go to many destinations.
They are able to travel to more than 100 nations without obtaining a visa, which means they are welcome in over half of all countries.
Only a small number of jurisdictions accept Dutch passport holders without a visa, but many of those do offer simpler options for Dutch tourists, like visa-on-arrival, eVisa, travel cards, and even eTA authorization.
Visa Statistics For the Netherlands
Visa-Free Countries | 116 (59%) |
Visa-On-Arrival Countries | 32 (16%) |
eVisa Countries | 32 (16%) |
eTA Countries | 8 (4%) |
Visa Countries | 24 (12%) |
Exactly 116 nations would accept travelers from the Netherlands without requesting any additional travel documents.
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Not only that but the Dutch entrance may be even simpler! Some European locations might accept a legitimate ID in place of a passport when receiving visitors.
You may anticipate simple access to the majority of the European and South American states if you are a citizen of the Netherlands.
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Without obtaining a visa or any other sort of visa substitute, you are able to travel to about 60% of the world’s countries with only your passport.
Which Nations Do Dutch Nationals Not Need Visas To Enter?
Dutch passport holders have access to most of Europe and Southern America. The following nations do not require visas for entry for visitors from the Netherlands.
However, it is always better to examine the requirements on the official website of the target state. Some of them might even permit entrance based on the Dutch ID.
Read also about Top Visa-Free Countries For Pakistan
Albania (90 days) | Luxembourg |
Andorra | Malaysia (90 days) |
Antigua and Barbuda (180 days) | Malta |
Argentina (90 days) | Marshall Islands (90 days) |
Armenia (180 days) | Mauritius (90 days) |
Austria | Mexico (180 days) |
Bahamas (90 days) | Micronesia (90 days) |
Barbados (90 days) | Moldova (90 days) |
Belarus (30 days) | Monaco |
Belgium | Montenegro (90 days) |
Belize | Morocco (90 days) |
Bolivia (90 days) | Namibia (90 days) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina (90 days) | Nicaragua (90 days) |
Botswana (90 days) | North Macedonia (90 days) |
Brazil (90 days) | Norway |
Brunei (90 days) | Palau (90 days) |
Bulgaria | Palestinian Territories |
Cape Verde (EASE, 30 days) | Panama (90 days) |
Chile (90 days) | Paraguay (90 days) |
Colombia (90 days) | Peru (90 days) |
Costa Rica (90 days) | Philippines (30 days) |
Croatia | Poland |
Cyprus | Portugal |
Czech Republic | Qatar (90 days) |
Denmark | Romania |
Dominica (180 days) | Saint Kitts and Nevis (90 days) |
Dominican Republic | Saint Lucia (90 days) |
Ecuador (90 days) | Samoa (90 days) |
El Salvador (90 days) | San Marino |
Estonia | Sao Tome and Principe (15 days) |
Eswatini (30 days) | Senegal (90 days) |
Fiji (120 days) | Serbia (90 days) |
Finland | Singapore (90 days) |
France | Slovakia |
Gambia (90 days) | Slovenia |
Georgia (360 days) | Solomon Islands (90 days) |
Germany | South Africa (90 days) |
Greece | Spain |
Grenada (90 days) | St. Vincent and the Grenadines (90 days) |
Guatemala (90 days) | Sweden |
Guyana (90 days) | Switzerland |
Haiti (90 days) | Taiwan (90 days) |
Honduras (90 days) | Tajikistan (30 days) |
Hong Kong (90 days) | Thailand (30 days) |
Hungary | Timor-Leste (90 days) |
Iceland | Tonga (90 days) |
Ireland | Trinidad and Tobago (90 days) |
Israel (90 days) | Tunisia (90 days) |
Italy | Turkey (90 days) |
Jamaica (90 days) | Tuvalu (90 days) |
Kazakhstan (30 days) | Ukraine (90 days) |
Kiribati (120 days) | United Arab Emirates (90 days) |
Kosovo (90 days) | United Kingdom (180 days) |
Kyrgyzstan (60 days) | Uruguay (90 days) |
Latvia | Uzbekistan (30 days) |
Lesotho (14 days) | Vanuatu (90 days) |
Liechtenstein | Vatican City |
Lithuania | Venezuela (90 days) |