

Organizations with the names WIFLE Foundation, Inc. and Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc. (collectively referred to as WIFLE) work to promote, retain, and hire qualified women in order to achieve gender balance within federal law enforcement. According to data from reporting agencies from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), women made up 15.2% of federal officers as of 2008. That proportion is less than the 16.1% that the BJS reported in July 2006. According to the 2019 data, the proportion of women has further reduced to 13.9%. To establish gender balance among government agencies, substantial work needs to be done. WIFLE provides Scholarships with the intention of reaching this objective.


In order to meet the demands in the law enforcement field and to promote the professional growth of people involved in it, WIFLE awards a number of scholarships to deserving candidates. Each award will be worth $2,500, but actual amounts may differ depending on a number of circumstances.



Scholarships from WIFLE are given to students who demonstrate academic promise, success, and a desire to work in law enforcement. The scholarship is available to everyone who qualifies. The candidate’s qualifications for the scholarship are as follows:

• Enroll in and maintain full-time attendance at a four-year institution that is accredited, or be a current full-time student at a community college that is accredited with the goal to transfer to a four-year institution.

• Have successfully completed at least one academic year of college courses at an approved university, community college, or institution;

• A four-year degree with a major in criminal justice or a closely related field, such as the social sciences, administration, computer science, finance, lingual arts, chemistry, or physics (students in graduate and postgraduate initiatives are also eligible; students who pursue Associate degrees are not eligible unless they explicitly state in their application that they intend to transfer to a four-year program, as mentioned above);

  • Have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 overall;
  • Write a 500-word essay outlining their engagement in a community effort, along with the outcomes or effects of that activity on the community, to demonstrate their dedication to the community; OR, if the applicant is currently serving or has previously served as an intern with a law-enforcement agency, preferably a federal criminal justice agency, they must include information such as the name of the agency, the dates of service, and a 500-word essay outlining the importance of the experience and the achievement through the internship;
  • Have at least one police official, member of the community, or leader of the community endorse their application with a letter of support; • Submit a finished application that includes all necessary data, a 500-word essay, transcripts, and a letter of recommendation from a police officer or local authority figure;
  • Being an American citizen is a requirement.


Applications for Members-Only scholarships are described above and must be submitted by the deadline of May 3 in order to be considered. No extensions will be given. Applications that are missing information or are submitted after the deadline won’t be taken into account.


If at all possible, letters of reference should be included with the application; nonetheless, they must be received by the deadline with the 500-word essay and college transcripts. Each year, rewards will be distributed directly to the academic institutions when recipients are notified by May 17th.


Applications and information can be found on the WIFLE website at www.WIFLE.org, and they must be submitted by May 2, 2023, to the Scholarship Coordinator. No extensions will be given. Applications that are missing information or are submitted after the deadline won’t be taken into account. If at all possible, letters of reference should be included with the application; nonetheless, they must be received by the deadline with the 500-word essay and college transcripts.

By May 20, 2023, winners will be contacted, and prizes will be mailed right to the educational institutions. Send an email to WIFLE at [email protected] if you have any specific questions. Applications should be sent by mail to the Scholarship Coordinator at WIFLE. Send complete packages by email to [email protected] or mail them to Attention:

Scholarship Coordinator

2200 Wilson Boulevard Suite 102 PMB 204 Arlington,

VA 22201. Sincerely, President Catherine W. Sanz Attachments


Interested persons can now apply here https://wiflefoundation.org/resources/2022/Scholarship/2022-ScholarshipProgram.pdf

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