Have you been looking for information on how to obtain a scholarship in the United Kingdom? If so, this page offers you a list of current scholarships in the United Kingdom for Nigerians (UK), international students, and other citizens of developing Africa.
For Masters Students from Commonwealth Countries to Study in UK Universities, the CSC is Offering the Commonwealth Shared Scholarships 2023/2024.
The Department for International Development (DFID) established the Commonwealth Shared Scholarships in 1986 as a one-of-a-kind collaboration between the UK government and UK universities. Over 3,500 students from Commonwealth poor nations have received Shared Scholarships.
About The Commonwealth Scholarship
The primary UK government scholarship program is run by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC), with a focus on goals for international development. The Department for International Development sponsors the CSC, an executive non-departmental public entity (DFID). The CSC is a striking illustration of the UK’s ongoing commitment to the Commonwealth and operates within the parameters of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP)
Commonwealth Scholarships: Their Purpose and Benefits
Each award comes with:
• Approved airfare booked by the university and paid for by the CSC from your home country to the UK and back at the conclusion of your award (the CSC will not cover the cost of dependants’ flights or travel expenses incurred before your award is confirmed).
• Accepted tuition costs that are covered by the CSC
• A stipend (living allowance) of £1,236 per month, or £1,516 for students attending universities in the Greater London Area (rates quoted at 2023-2024 levels) Thesis award towards the expense of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable, claimed from and paid by the institution; funded by the CSC Warm clothing allowance, where applicable, paid and sponsored by the university
• Study travel award to cover the expense of study-related travel inside the UK or abroad. This grant is financed by the CSC and is claimed from and paid by the institution.
• The university will claim and pay the cost of mandatory tuberculosis (TB) test if one is necessary for submitting a visa application (receipts must be provided).
If you declare a disability, the CSC will conduct a thorough analysis of your needs and determine whether you qualify for additional financial assistance. If you are widowed, divorced, or a single parent, you are eligible for a child allowance of £529 per month for the first child and £131 per month for each additional child under the age of 16 who lives with you at the same address in the UK.
You can also apply for The Warwick University “Chancellor” Scholarship or The Red Thread Scholarship Program
Meanwhile, here are Visa-Free Countries British Passports you can travel to in 2023
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Requirements Qualification
Candidates who wish to apply for Commonwealth Shared Scholarships must:
• By September 2023, possess a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) standard, or a second class degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification (typically a Ma), or both. • Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person. • Be a permanent resident in an eligible Commonwealth country. Normal funding for a second UK Master’s degree is not provided by the CSC. You must explain your motivation for pursuing this study if you are applying for a second UK Master’s degree.
• Not have spent at least one academic year studying or working in a high-income nation; • Not be able to afford to attend school in the UK without this scholarship
Date, Procedure, and Location for Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Interviews
The academic excellence of the candidate and the potential effects of the work on the progress of the candidate’s home nation are among the selection factors.
Date of Application: December 13, 2023
How to Apply
Use the CSC’s online application system to submit an application for a Commonwealth Shared Scholarship.
• You may submit an application to enroll in one of the taught Master’s programs provided by the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship program. These scholarships are often only good for one year and do not support undergraduate coursework, PhD study, or any pre-sessional English language instruction.
In addition to submitting an application for a Shared Scholarship, you must also gain admission to your course. You must seek particular guidance from your preferred university regarding the best time to apply, the criteria for admission, and the application procedures.
In addition to any other applications that your desired university may want you to submit, you must submit your application through the CSC’s online application process. Applications not submitted using the online application system will not be accepted by the CSC.
• Even though you can apply to multiple universities and/or courses, you can only accept one Shared Scholarship offer.
Application Link
Interested persons can now apply here